Well.... too be honest i've hated this for along time... i was going too talk about how girls...
1# (SPECIAL OCCASIONS)girls have too wear dresses too special occasions while guys wear tuxidos.... (I FCKING HATE THAT!) soo... why don't we get too wear tuxidos??? why is that exactly?? and any time i ask someone they say "girls wear dresses!"..... so WHY! why do we have too wear dresses.. dresses are complicated take too long too find sometimes are hard too get on and with some dresses people can look under =____= it's super unfair!!! guys can get dressed easyer all they have too do is go too there closet pick a tuxido put it on and there ready! e,e and us girls have too take forever leting our friends try too pick a dress for hours watching them just think about dresses but thats not even the worst part then girls have too go get makeup or something wich sucks! and then they have too brush there hair and paint there fingernails and get earings and highheals or some kinda dumb shoe that i hate! it's so difficult for girls too get ready for special occasions ...
2#(BATHROOM) ok so as you all know guys pee standing.... =____=
(i've always wanted too do that sence i was 2 years old) while us girls can't do that ... it's horrible! :| very crule i know this is a thing of nature but... FCK YOU NATURE! :| i honestly think this is one of the things about being a girl i hate the most ... (i know i'm odd) yes well this kinda remindes me of when me and abby were kids we were camping sort of and abby went into the trailer and she told me "i'm going too pee liek my daddy!" o.o.... yeah long story... xDD i may have told you about if befor though LOL
3#(SCHOOL UNIFORMS & WORK UNIFORMS) ok i know i don't go too school this ones from loosa o.O i told her i was making a post about the girl thing .... so i'm gona let her type this one in green xDDD
WHY DO WE WEAR SKIRTS!!! SKIRTS ARE BISHES!!!! ...... she kinda went overbourd affter that with abunch of (fack shiiiiit bitchh whore!) type stuff...... e,e well yeah.... i don't like skirts either not for that purpose though but at work we have a uniform it's a very short skirt.... =___= me no like.... loosa's lucky that her skirts are at least long xD anyways in both things guys don't wear skirts o.O well theres ireland xDD i whana go there again last time was awsome yet odd o.O *-*
4#(period).... i dispyse it.... it's unfair that guys don't have it the end because i'm uncomfertable with talking about this one....
(point being oww )
5#(BRAS) THERE REALLY UNCOMFERTABLE AND I HATE THEM! guys should wear bras that woudl be interesting o.O
6# (CENCOR) so why does tv cencor girls bewbs but when it comes too moobz it's not cencored??? i think both should be cencored because i don't whana see anyones boobs!!!!!! e,e whether they are male or female.... o.O! as that other guy said if they are going too cencor one boob cencor them all CENCOR THE FACKING COWS THERE LIKE WALKING BOOBS ARENT THEY EATNG ALL THE FCKING GRASS!! BEWB WALKING GRASS EATING FACKS!!!
7# (FIGHTS) so whats with this guy's don't punch girls crap? my brother used too punch me all the time but now that i'm older and have bewbs i never get punched i just get another idiot pervert for a brother??? oh the horror e,e it's not like all guys are stronger then girls i used too beat the flying sht outta my brother.... =______=
#8(PERVERTS) you already know what i'm probably going too say about this crap!...
(POINT BEING ALL GUYS SHOULD DIE PAINFULLY) -8 is my favorite number <3-
#9(THE NICE RULE) so i noticed on pico if guys think your a guy they are really mean e,e but when they find out your a girl there sweet as a cookie aren't they?? well i kind of like that rule but it's an issue with ryans what if i whana fight a ryan!!! i should be alowed too fight a ryan!!!
#10(the girls like pink rule) ok... this is probably one of my least favorites as well I HATE THAT COLOUR ITS UNFAIR THAT GIRLS HAVE TOO LIKE IT STOP FORCING US TOO LIKE COLOURS WE DON'T LIKE!!! ever sence i was a kid everyone would try too make me wear pink ribbons and pink dresses and pink hairclips and pink shoes and they'd buy me pink teddybears .... ok first of all i don't like prissy ribbons especialy pink ones nor do i like dresses and a pinkdress is just too sad isen't it....and god the facking hairclips.... what are the point of those??? there is no point in those!!! nd why would any kid want too wear shoes??? answer that why would a kid want shoes i know one thing from my childhood for sure all i wanted too do was go play in the mud! and people would always come ruin that whether it be my aunt or abbys mom.... i still remember when i was 10 and abby's mom took me shoping and she saw some stupid pink dress and said something like this "OOOOH looks haruko it's a pink dress!!! it's your favorite colour come on lets buy it!!!" ..... i threw a fit ..... litterally... e,e bad memory... i mean yeah i guess takeing me shoping on my birthday was nice...of her and i realize that now but as a kid all i wanted was too play in the mud... people don't get that o.0 i think people shoudl start having people write what they like when there kids so they remember only reason i remember so much about my childhood is because well ryuz is liek 10 years older then me as kids he always brought a camra with him everywhere so we used too film almost everything we did when he was around xD i know i liked mud because of that video where we went too stellas house on halloween and i left the house to go play in the mud in the backyard and they diden't find me and ryuz until the next morning o.O funny how he came and played with me o.0 so imature it's sad xD anyways (POINT BEING KIDS LIKE MUD NOT PINK DRESSES)
Theres so much more i'd liek too say but i'm only puting 10 xD geting too long at first i wanted too do 5 then i thought of abunch more i hate anyways the point of this is that if your a girl and you want too wear tuxidos instead of dresses and you don't liek brushing your hair and you want too pee standing and you hate period and you hate pink and you don't liek bras and perverts or skirts ect and sometimes you want too be a gay guy instead of a girl ... it doesen't really make you a lezzbian... =_= so either way on yay account i think i'm going too pretend too be a guy... yep thats the end ... i know i'm weird but i can't be the only one thinking this????
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