lol cute

lol cute
emmi me and random princess lady haha im big

princess stuff o.O

at this point im not really sure what ive already posted or not so i just put all the princess stuff i could find xD i havent been posting much but here u go

these are just a few differant color versions they prolly look mostly the same but it took me forever to change the colors right also im not rlly done i just wanted too put it out early i guess

oh and as for that anime i was watching i got to the last episode ... and this is embaresing but i cryed at the end xDD lelouch and rollo died then suzaku became zero? idk it made me mad and suzaku keeled lelouch they were best friends then nanali finaly relized she wus wrong but affter her brother died? thats just realy sad but id stilll say it is the best anime i have ever seen and ive seen alot of anime (R.I.P LELOUCH VI BRITANIA LELOUCH LAMPEROUCH AND ROLLO LAMPEROUCH)

:( idk if i spelled any of the names right sorry :<   

and as for pico stuff theres a new challenge if anyone noticed the tub and bed are gone now :\ i dont slot on weekends because of work so i prolly wont finish sadly i hope all of you finish :3 THE END OF THIS POST IS NOW SO STOP READING :3

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