lol cute

lol cute
emmi me and random princess lady haha im big


im unhappy that i realy have to list these idk what differance it will make but

PRINCESS RULES: if you whana be a princess you must own at least 1 long/slow/puffy dress and at least 1 tiara or crown you also should be more polite and quit begging for porp its anoying no 1 likes that and you'll be a princess without subjects? whats the point in that? anyway i don't whana see anymore noob princesses and i see them everywere emmi is a GOOD example of a REAL  princess and me i guess you could say that i tryed :P but realy im so done with the noob princesses ... GEEZ!!

EMO OR GOTH RULES: im doen seeing those goths that dress in pink goths like black and emos might have some colors like red purple or dark pink but realy people to be a TRUE GOTH OR EMO  you should own mostly black or AT LEAST  wear that most of all and you shouldent be so perky like a cheerleader or soemthing its so weird also goths and emos rarely talk and as for you IDIOTS  who think they cut themselfs and what not thats a rumor spread by the suisidalists the true emo goths are offended by this please stop it GEEZ!!

HOBO RULES: no more rich hobos hobos are poor or at least dress it i saw a candy wigg pretending to be a hobo NOT OK!! to be a real hobo you cant be a candy wig that is all xD hoboizuim isent that complecated im an x-hobo :3 oh the noob days i deeply miss them :3

AG RULES: no more people who have cop glasses and say there rich ... im done with that as well you are simply a candy wig in training sorry but realy...


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