lol cute

lol cute
emmi me and random princess lady haha im big

A Crazy Dream

So we were in some kind of store and then some famous video game actor person lady was there and so keira kinda was stupid and started following her...  and then ofcorse mai and loosa followed her.. then i was lookin in the meat aisle andwell then i couldent find then so i looked and i found that video game voice actor lady idk her name i probably made her up anyway so i asked her if she saw any crazy blackhaired loonatic girl with two kids one aroudn the age of 3 and the other around 9 ...                     (loosa looks 9 but shes acctually i asked about 9) and she said OH those  go threw that door you'll find a hall that goes too the left i can't say anymore the rest is up too you now get the fucc outta my face..  and then i say.... ok thanks but im realy thinking ' you dumb bitchh!'
so i went threw that door when i got in there i saw a table a chair with cobwebs on it (likleykeirasfault)
anyways then i saw a brown wood floor with all kinds of broken crap and there was more furniture everywere but it wasent right side up ...and there were pieces of food all over the place and a place on the floor that looked like someone took a large crap and tryed too burrie it in the floor then relized surely that they coulden't and then they probably druled all over it and then i saw some weird looking green stuff it diden't look at all like the poo lookin spot but it was weird i'm not sure how too explain it. it was very likley one of the most disgusting places i have been too other then my own house... but that dumb lady told me too go down the hall 'WHAT HALL!?' i don't see any hall >.<
none what so ever! not a hall not a door not a closet not a right door or whatever she said!
then i looked back at the place were the door was that i came in threw 'i'm gona beat that bitchh!'
i thought.. then when i saw it the door was gone to... " OH FUCC! damn it haruko you idiot you need too remember this is how it goes in all the old horror movies
=__=" i said that lol talking too myself IT'S NOT FUNNY! D: back too the story then i walked around and i relized i probably had too improvise if i was gona ever find my stupid sisters and loosa i know im gona beat the sht outta keira if she doesen't kill me first but first i had too find them or at least a way out but if i find a way out acording to the crap old horror movies it's likley that i'd have too start my search all over again and this how many hours? would have been for nothing whatsoever nothin a waste of however many hours is was ... then i walked around in circles with my ; IM SO STRESSED; face lol
and by the way it's not funny when im stressed e,e im thinkin damn you! o.O and then i found a little old clock as in old like uh i forgot what there called those tall clocks uh damn i'm stupid i don't know... anyways i looked at it and i looked too see if it was on and all that boring stuff i don't feel like explaining and.. god it's on should be working and nothing was broken or anything and so i looked at it and it diden't move not one bit and so then i sat there looking at the clock for about a half hour because i was counting too be sure and the clock never moved... "OH FACK THIS!" and then i stood up and raged because no one was around i might as well.. then i started looking around and well i found an old axe that way back when they used too cut trees with the axe was covered with the goo and it made me uncomfertable ...i picked it up and started wacking at the wall 'another act of my rage' and the wall opened alittle it wasen't like a crack but it looked liek some kind of enterance... so then i started banging more hoping it would open more then the size of my hand =__= nothin but then i found a key hole and so i droped the axe faster then a white boy runnin! LOL ok maybe i shoulden't have said that because im a white girl LOL o.O but i felt liek it DON'T JUDGE ME! o.o and started looking for the key fast threw every place just looking and nope nothing zip nada... =___= so then i just colapsed too the disgusting vile floor and tryed too relax alittle bit breathed and closed my eyes next thing i know i'm asleep and i have the weirdest dream within the weirdest dream lol... ITS NOT FUNNY anyways i saw fast visions of like radiation blast boom pow blah blah whatever and then i woke up fast and breathed realy hard and my eyes looked kinda  blank for about 2 seconds...  then i got up and started wacking the walls with the axe again this time i diden't pick it up as slow and i wacked it and wacked it till suddenly i found a green fuzzy potato... -.- damn my brain thinking about that during a somewhat serious dream =___= and i threw the fuzzy piece of crap at the door and it eh i woulden't say opened but it broke and a big unuf hole for me too fit threw ^^ damn it potato... forget that then i started runin and i found a hall but there happend too be..."OMG WHAT THE HELL THESE DOORS WHAT THE HELL MY GOD !! SERIOUSLY!!" yeah... alot of doors... =-= why does all of this seem familier?... my dreams suck anyways i raged and raged i'm obviously too dumb too check every door also what an idiot i am i forgot the damn directions that she acctually did give me.. "I'M GOIN RIGHT BAHAHAHHAA"  i seem liek i've gone mad -.-  and so i go right i don't find then the door poofs again and i rage more and stuff then i find a key and i'm like "GOD DAMN REALY IT WAS HERE! THAT WHOLE TIME THERE'S NO DAMN KEY HOLE HERE NOW IS THERE!" and i rage more..  then i break a hole in the wall again this time it's not hard because it's just a normal door with a lock! :D and then i go left and guess what i find i betcha can't guess =__= c'mon guess c'mon now don't keep reading until you guess lol...

well i find some weird dressed  guy's that look like some kinda vudo or however your spell that they look crazy vudu colorful chanting something in an anciant language crazy weirdos o.0 and i'm tryign too ask them if they saw keira loosa mai and ask how too get out and stuff and they keep blabing they obviously don't speak japanese -.- so i try about 9 other languages and i still get nothing this is what  they sound like "NEWUHVUUUUSHADAGALAKAPOOHAGhjaA"  o.O so i slap  them ofcorse my slap obsession o.O then i run around in circles ALSO I FORGOT TOO MENTION THOSE GUYS WEAR DRESSES! o.0 anyway's i keep going for like an hour the same way down a hall no doors no nothing in this 1 and i go that way forever then i colapse again WARNING IT'S EMOTIANAL BREAKDOWN TIME.. and i rage and cry and freakout like a child...then i finally start walking again soon affter that runing and prepare yourselfs then i start flying LOL jk about the flying part lololololol sorry i had too put that in there lol >:3 then i just keep runing and runing sadly not flying lol and runin and runin then i get too the end of the hall and it's just a wall with 1 door..
i'm not too exited about that =___= and so then i think alittle about nothign too do with the subject then i open the door witch suprizingly has no lock and well i see 1 old fat vudo lady and 2 small containors well they would be thought of as small sence they are holding bodys anyway then i open 1 and i see A ZOMBIE VERSION OF MAI ... and im liek holy crap! so she look's dead like dead pale dead and dead all over with a side of dead baby sister... o.O but then she get's up and starts talking gibberish like little mai always does but her eyes are black... black beady black things and i saw death when i looked into them witch would probably freakout most 17 year old girls -.- but ofcorse knowing me i was thinkin 'oo cool my sister is a zombie' lol ofcorse... but i was also uh *gulp* slightly worried o.Oand so i go too open the slightly bigger container and i find a zombie loosa who talks normal with the same death eyes and i scold her then i yell at her wondering were keira went then mai tuggs on my skirt and i look back then she says "kuka ihs pooin" lol i know very well how that sounds but mai ment 'keira is crying...' she calls cry poo... o.O i have a strange familey please don't ask oh and she also calls knifes kupakars ... anyways then i'm like "damn it mai kuka doesent poo.." and then mai said "kuka is pooin!!!" and then she gibberished and yelled at me in gibberish... tis why i hate kids xD so then i carrie mai and loosa mai in my arm and loosa on my back and so im runing again and i find about 29 more doors n i keep runin and opening them everytiem cause i happen too be going forward just alot of doors... and you woulden't believe it mai starts giggline and druling all over my arm x_x this is what mai did " hu hahahehehehhepohakuhau *drule*"
o.O and her drule was GREEN like the goo D:< nd you woulden't believe i thought loosa was peeing on me... o.0 xD but it was also drule o.O she shoulden't be drulin on sht now shes 12 =___= anyways then i drop them both and start freakinout o.O and for soemreason i think the green goo is justins fault o.O justin what did you do too my sister and loosa.... e,e then i found a container about a head smaller then me and 1 thats about my size.... =___= so then i open the head smaller 1 and i found a zombie keira not a suprize realy.. o.0 and i think i'm too freakedout too open the me sized 1 X_____X kjlaldriujbhnuirfhghy so then i yell at keira and she grabs my shirt and looks at me in the face and tells me too "fack off and leave me alone you selfish idiot" and soem other stuff i'd perfer not too say on this blog xD.... gotta hate keira o.o... and i start leaving and she says "were the fucc do you think your going we're not done here i'm gona settle this crap!" and then i'm like "not now keira we gotta get out of here you can hold your angry grudge later...." =-= and then we run for about 5 mins and then keiras stomache rummbles realy loud and makes mai cry -.- then i yell at her then she threatens me like alway's and yells at me for food...and what do i have? green goo... =-= "keira do i look like i have anything! -gives green goo- eat that that's all i have! now shut up damn it!" and she eh...
x_x she eats the goo /dead >.< what the hell keira.... then i look at mai and say "oh mubi kuka iihs no pooin" trying too speak mai language :O im a pro LOL jk...

then mai says "kuka pooin dat nuka faka kuka!"  and i honestly dunno what that one means LOL o.O faka... fack? oh god i hope not xD i like too think she said "keira crying that mutha fucca facked keira" LOL thats just my thought lol.. anyways we foudn a ladder and got out but when we got out we were in the midel of no were... litterally so we walked i was out of energy and coulden't realy run anymore... :| and so we found some farmer guy *O* damn im jelous rich people there days o.o.. we got lucky i can't believe we foudn a farmer *O* seriosuly we got so lucky too find a rich famous guy liek that? o.o damn anyways then he said he'd let us stay for awhile mai liked too pet his pigglets... o.O keirawas threatening him aboutv how she woudl eat his gutz out his eyes... -.- and loosa was holding a goat o.O GOATS MAKE POOP anyways then keira was like "SO I WANT SOME BEEF YOU SHT!" and then the farmers liek "oh i don't have anybeef ma'am but would you like some rammen?" and she says "FACK NO !! RAMMEN IS SH-" i blocked of her sentance and said "nah we love rammen ^^ thank you!" nd then keira smirks and looks at him all evil liek she does -.- then we relized i was speaking german with the farmer we ended up in germany... wtf? anyways then he went too get the rammen and i paced thinking about the zombies the hallway the vudo guys and that video game lady then i thought back on a memory (le flashback time)   keira screams "I BEAT MY HIGHSCORE FUUKA ;D" and then i say "ok what video game thi-" keira blocks my sentance "I EXPLODED THEM IN THE FACE!"  and im liek -.- then i try again too say what i was gona say "what video ga-" blocxked again "ITS A BOMB IN THE BALLZ OF THE ENEMY!" and im like o.O... what the hell... and she's like "WOH SHAT!" and im like i see o.O keira are you playing that zombie game..?" "FOOK YAH!" ok now your imatating southpark... "   "FOOK YAH"   "oh god keira realy..." thenv keira said "what? what? grrrrr"  then i say "ok it's ipod time" and ryuz says "NO WATCH OUR EPICNESS!" and im like "i think not -.-" and he's liek "WHY !" and keiras liek "i dont cAre fookers" and im like "stop imatating kenny!" and she says "blah blah blah " about a videogame person then ryuz explains too me about a radiation bomb from the U.S.A and im like -.- that video game is realy stupid" then ryuz says "NO IT IS NOT I BET IT'LL HAPPEN 1 DAY AND YOU'LL BE SORRY!" and im like "yeah whatever..." then the tv screen showed the same famous videogame voice actor girl from teh store and all taht ofcorce back then i woulden't have noticed or cared ...  (end of le flahsback)  "HOLY CRAP!" i say and keira says "wat facker?" and i say "nevermind it's nothing .... ._."
and then mai says "waffle got rammens?" and i say "nope " and then mai gives me a piece of corn... and im liek "?" and she's like

"eat rammans?"

"RAW MEN!!!" and i say that e,e and then keira looks at me with her confused wtf face and says "that acctually sounds yummy" o.o      then i say "wtf!" and it was raining that whole time i guess i was too buisey too notice it then the farmer comes out with a wet box or raw corn anda wet box of noodles and a wet box of carrots and a wet box of small chunks of chicken and salt its all raw and damp and it's in thsoe small kid box toy containers colors rainbow liek a blue for the corn a green for the chickensalt and well you get the idea... not sure why they woudl be in that or why he diden't cook them but they're probably wet because of the rain as well as the muckey air i doubted they woudl taste very well then keira said " WTF YOU BISH WHAT DID YOU DO TOO MAH FOOD FACKER!" and the farmer looks kinda scared o.O then he says "theres nothing wrong with it you see it's just currently seperated and wet because of the rain theres nothing at all wrong you see i diden't have unuf time too finish this im the only farmer left working here sorry ma'am" and she says "fack that!" and she takes soem noodles and eats them liek a pyscho ofcorse sence she is 1 =___=
and then i say "why are you the only left if you don't mind my asking?" then the farmer says "oh well uh they died about 3 weeks ago i havent been abble too get a hold of anyone yet so far and the electricity is out completely so it's raw im sorry ma'am about this it's very impolite of me but it's all i have ma'am"  and keira says "fucc you" all moody and kickes 1 of her shoes into the carrots and the other into a pile of pigg poop.... and then i look at her shoes o.O then the farmer asks "i don't mean too pry but why are they so pale there almost a blue and you look quite normal ma'am" and i say "i'm honestly not sure hwo too explain it because im not even intirely sure why.." and loosa says "the video game lady was giving us a tan o.O" and then i say ".... is that so?"  maii says "wah:D"  and keira says "she was showing me how too kill zombies and how too explode your boobs... o.o" and i say...................................

"ok... that's very nice of you keira -.-..." and then the farmer looks all weirded out lol..
then i pat him on the epic hat *-*  and then the farmer says "so the radiation rumorr is it true?"
and i say "what radiation o.O?" then keira says "ZOMBIES :DDDD WOOHOO FUCC YEAH WERES MUY RIFFLE?" and mai says "PISTAL!" then loosa says "EXPLODO PEE!" and i say "wtf..."  then the farmer says "oh so you haven't heard about it?" and i say "nope o.o" and he says "well the U.S.A Of america bombed russia and tehy say that radiation got out over there o.o" and i say "WTF!" and keira says "he told you todl you bahahhaha" and i say "stfu keira" and she says "whana settle this sht here nd now haruko?" and i say "fucc no shoo" and she says "stfu whore!"
and i say "nevermind just go eat pigglets or soemthing ...." and she says "NO I WILL EAT HIS HAT!" and she takes his hat and goes into a bush... -.-  n we talk more he says "i think the reason my group is dead is the radiation i think it got here too..." and i say "NO THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! D;" then he says "not realy it's i thinkif there is any it's everywere i think they bombed all the nations the only 1 herd might have been russia but... likley that here too and i herd japan got nuked" and i say "HOLY SHT!"   and keira says "this hat tastes kike fried dog poop!" and i say "ok..." and mai says "can ay has some kuka?" and keira says "knock yourself out brat i needa fatten you up *-*" and then she gives mai the hat... e,e  and then i say " i gotta go look at soemthing can i borrow your car dude?"
and he says "sure come back befor morning though ok miss?" and i say "sure bye"
and he tosses me the keys and i start runing for the tiny car its 1 of those bug cars the kandy kokos or whatever there called xD  so im liek e,e so im driving nd i look at the moon the moon is green now... "realy the hell is wrong with this sht seriously..." and i throw the rest or my rammen out the window and watch it fly backwards as if it were jumping away :| "this sht isen't realy happening no fuccing way america god damn it!" and i start talkign too myself and i see a person oddly unuf.. so i stop the car and they come runing by this point im far away from the farm but i wanted too see it they were ok there a bit of distsance away but not too far they coem and there fast as sht i swear and i was like wow fast must be scared outta there mind of whatevers over there o.O and i drive the car forward alittle slwoly "BAHAHA IMA GET NUKED LIKE JAPAN DID BAHAHAH IRONIC SHT LIEK THIS MAKES MY DAY GAWD BAHAHAH" and then the guy comes and he looks dead as sht his arm is gone and gutz half out liek a pyscho crazy whataever o.0 and a normal guy would be dead when he gets clsoe unuf for me too tell hell his eyes are beady red and foams comin out his nose ears and mouth green and red glomps on the road and he's runing then i say "ha tuff chance ima run that sht over" and i drive the car forward with my hand out the window and a coke can in the hand driving and the car gets faster and faster and faster till it's at about well i forgot but it was going fast xD liek mexican driveing speed lol i think they drive at like 100per mile or soemthing right o.O idk nvm anyways i bashed his head in with the coke i must have been goign fast unuf too pop off his head and he collapsed too his knees then slowly fell sideways left and i say green comeout instead of red blood it was strange but i kept driving till i found a nice little gun shop *O* what luck right? xD so i went in and well i dident see anyone so i went and helped myself too all the guns aswell as the millitary humvee out side lucky me what luck :3and i packed the guns into the vehicle and then i looked at the shop and went back inthere and looked and guess what i saw old fashion horror movie sht i saw a dead zombie looking lady behing the checkout counter ah what a day this is -.- i took her arm off easy i just picked it up as if it were soemthing liek an ordinary coffee cup and it poped plane off so i took it too try and look at it incase mayeb the farmer was smart and knew what it was unlikley if not i guess i'd just have to get smart but i see a little walmart over there hm i think im gona check that out too i'm in the mood for some cheetos ^^

next chapter coming soon xD :3

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