lol cute

lol cute
emmi me and random princess lady haha im big

This is what happend affter i barfed just now

 i just went and barfed and my barf looked like white liquid dorito chunks o.o anyways then tayo said something realy sweet and i think it's so sweet that ima post it xDD    he said "remember those dumb movies we used too watch?" and then isaid "probably what dumb movies?" and then he said "those dumb cartoon weird ones" and i said "oh yeah those why ?" and he said "well if i had 3 wishes my first wish would be that we got married and had a happy life and second would be that everyone that makes us mad would die and third would be that you would stop barfing forever" yeah i thought that was cute aww kids these days ^^  it realy cheered me up xD well not the marrie part LOL at that i was kinda thinkin wtf?! xD but everything else was pretty nice o.O it got me thinkin about what my 3 wishes would be LOL my first would probably be  MAKE MIRANDA DEAD! lol then my second GIVE ME A TACO! and my third 4 MORE WISHES and then my 4th woudl be everyone else i hate too die lol and my 5th would be that everyone i care about in pico would meet me in rl and we'd become friends in rl xDD ik thats a childish wish don't judge me o.O and then my 6th would be that ryuz would dump whoever he's with now and come back too me guilty and crying LOL and them my last would be that i have alot of money LOL yeah that's what it would be LOL as i said befor DON'T JUDGE ME xD this is just a random post sorry for wasting however many minutes of your life this took too read xD THE END GO AWAY NOW! >:3

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