lol cute

lol cute
emmi me and random princess lady haha im big

Justin is Miranda x__x

so as you probably don't know i'm posting a so far of my main pico enemys o.O just out of bored angryness o.O

Justin       Crazy Baby       Justin        Joy        Miranda     Justin and Miranda   Justin/Miranda   Miranda
Justin       Miranda       Justin     Miranda    Justin/Miranda     

so as you can see most hated people in my pico existance are probably justin and miranda =-= i have many reason too believe    Hitler Joker Necro Einstien .Pervert. Miranda Taо Pai Pai and Justin are the same person such as when they're in ooku together 1 will talk and the others will either sit there or something... also they talk the same sometimes and sometimes miranda knows stuff that i only told justin... =-= and miranda used alot of justin words when we were talking "blocka chocka " somethign soemthing ect and all kind's of stuff that only justin would say =-= and also out of everyone in our huge long anoying harrassement fight that made me whana commit suiside out of everyone there the only person who wasent like "YAY SHES GONE" was justin... =-= he said "i miss miranda more adults need too play pico" or soemthign liek that... miranda is a fucc no one would miss miranda but miranda... so yeah... and a good friend witch justin obviously isen't woulden't miss someone that made there friend whana commit suiside just saying realy justin?.... i've been suspecting them too be the same for awhile i diden't whana say it though because well anyone that acctually knows me would know i'm sencitive and well i knew justin for along time we had alot of crazy fights and maybe i'd hate him for liek a month sometimes but we always figured it out in the end... and blah blah so maybe i just diden't whana believe that justin is miranda... anyways you know..  so i guess that's the end of this depressing post... =_______= well yeah bye >:(

..... mmhmm =___= bye....

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