i just figured out about an anime while i was youtubeing i'm probably not gona watch it but this picture was in the vid the animes called "murder princess" i think xD i don't whana take te time too watch and see if it's good but anyways i noticed the princess girl in the pic is saying "you're in my seat!" or soemthing like that and it reminded me of me LOL so i took it as an insperation too my chronical witch i havent done in forever =____= i thought it was more important too hang with friends anyways as i was sayign about the chronical xD so i desided tehy were gona have soem kinda princess meeting and theres eh how too explain regions i guess and emmi kingdom (witch by the way is still nameless emmi think of a name xD?) and neko kingdom (inwitch i'll deside the name when i know what emmis is xD) are in the same basic region and so that means if 1 of them mess up or soemthing in the meeting its bad for both LOL and well so neko came too the meeting late (ofcorse i would do that xD) and when i got there soem other princess from the west region was in my ooku chair lol so ofcorse knowing what i would probably do about that you can guess can't you xD? well i freakedout and i was like "YOU'RE IN MY SEAT DIE!" (ofcorse!) and then emmi was siting there liek "OMG NO!" (obviously) nd i kinda ruind the meeting for us up north LOL and yes i think im gona have neko and emmi kingdom in the north region if thats ok with emmi xD i coudl do south if she'd perfer that i was thinkin north because of the episode with snow that is still a draft =___= and NO im not done with the next chronical yet sorry o.O I DREW A CHIBI VERSION OF WHAT HAPPEND LOL

aww i think i did good and if you ask what that blue thing by emmis head is its suposed too be a ! in chibi form don't ask why i tryed too make it chibi form xD WHY IS THE ROOM SO SHINY D; not sure why i did that also if you can see i used the real ooku chair and emmi throne because i was too lazy too draw my own also idk why the room is orange i think it was just the top color so i used it XD anyways here ya go end of this boring post bah baii :3! OK BYE I GOTTA PEE D: SO I CAN'T TYPE THE REST OF THIS LEME GO PEE DAMN YOU! *leaves*
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